Tag Archives: 訂造地毯

The Flow Area Rug

Size : 2250mm X 2250mm (54 sq.ft)
Thickness : 12 mm
Material: 5.5lbs New Zealand Wool
Cut/Loop: All cut pile

這是一張很好的例子, 手織地氈怎樣做出漸變的效果。

This is an example how a handtufted rug make a flowing ink.
To form gradient, it needs a set of similar tone yarns.
It is complex process for a handtufting carpet.

Welcome to the blog of UNIQUE custom-made carpet and rug

UNIQUE custom-made carpet and rug 部落格正式成立。
想了解更多,請到我們的網站: ucarpet.com

We specailize in carpet design and manufacturing providing high quality custom-made carpet and rug service. we will share carpet information here and our products as well.

Weclome to leave enquiry here and will try our best to provide information a.s.a.p.
For more details, please visit our website: ucarpet.com