Monthly Archives: May 2012

Cartoon Area Rug / 卡通地氈

Size:  1500mm X 800mm
Color: 8 colors
Thickness:  10mm
Wool: 5.5 lbs 100% wool
Pattern : Cartoon (Irregular Shpae)
Production time: 6 days (2012-05-18  to 2012-05-24)

This is a very lovely cartoon area rug for daughter’s room. The drawing is provided by the client. We can accurately make it become carpet, even it is in irregular shape. The carpet is complete in 6 days and definitely a fastest record so far. If you are planing to put a carpet at home, you may consider custom made once.


Zebra Pattern Rug / 斑馬紋羊毛地氈

Linear Wave pattern in Black, Grey and White colors create an Zebra-like pattern and   even colorful than just black & white line. This is a very popular carpet pattern and could  be applied in all shape e.g rectangular, square, round rug …etc. The Linear Wave pattern is contemporary and match with modern interior decoration. If you are looking for a carpet ? you may think about this pattern la !

黑、白、灰三色波浪線條做出近似斑馬紋的效果,但比只是黑白色更豐富,是頗受歡迎的地毯圖案。無論是長方形, 正方或圓形地毯都做出時尚簡潔的感覺,亦容易配襯室內裝潢。大家不妨考慮一下斑馬紋圖案呢!